La sicurezza e la qualità dei nostri prodotti è diventata fondamentale. Durante tutte le fasi di produzione ci assicuriamo che vengano rispettate le principali norme Europee garantendo un prodotto 100% certificato secondo le vigenti normative. Security and quality control has become essential for us. We make sure that all production phases are in accordance with main European regulations in force; by doing this, we guarantee that our products are 100% certified according to these standards. La sécurité et la qualité de nos produits sont devenues primordiales. À toutes les étapes de la production, nous veillons à ce que les principales normes européennes soient respectées, garantissant ainsi un produit certifié à 100 % conformément aux réglementations en vigueur. SECURITY AND QUALITY COLLECTION 100% CERTIFIED. Technology and Accessories. 04-85 86-155 Home and Kitchen. Food and Beverage. 156-159 160-261 Dining and Drinkware. Rain and Umbrellas. 262-287 288-359 Personal and Care. 360-381 Caps and Accessories. Writing and Gifts. 382-439 440-503 Business and Office. 504-545 Travel and Business. Shopping and Bags. 546-605 606-641 Children and Games. 642-657 Leisure and Outdoor. Summer and Beach. 658-719 720-725 Pets and Accessories. 726-771 Fitness and Wellness. Tools and Torches. 772-801 802-821 Events and Festivals. Index 2024. Nel catalogo le misure menzionate sono indicative. Ci riserviamo il diritto di effettuare le opportune modifiche dove è necessario. Colori e misure potrebbero cambiare, lasciando inalterata la tipologia del prodotto. In this catalogue all the mentioned measures are indicative, we keep the right to make the appropriate changes if necessary. Colours and measures can change, leaving the product typology unchanged. Dans le catalogue, les mesures mentionnées sont indicatives. Nous nous réservons le droit d'apporter des modifications si nécessaire. Les couleurs et les dimensions peuvent changer, mais la typologie du produit reste inchangée. HERE YOUR QR Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 822-837 Packaging and Solutions.