THE VARIETIES PLANT A TREE EDITION Girasole - Sunflower Basilico - Basil Pomodorino - Cherry tomato Coriandolo - Coriander Nontiscordardime - Forget-me-not Salvia - Sage Timo - Thyme Margherita - Daisy Garofano - Carnation Chia - Chia .00 .01 .03 .04 .06 .11 .12 .23 .27 .29 .04 IT’S JUST A SMALL PENCIL BUT ITS DREAM IS TO BECOME A TREE! 1 2 3 4 5 THE ORIGINAL ONE THE ORIGINAL ONE 96156 Tree Da/From € 1,840 È solo una piccolamatitama il suo sogno è diventare un albero! Nuova Matita Sprout con semi di ABETE rosso. Vedi anche Art. 96144 | It’s just a small Spout pencil but its dream is to become a tree! New Spout pencil with fir seeds. | C'est juste un petit crayon mais son reve est de devenir un arbre!Nouveau Crayon Sprout avec graines de sapin. Legno | Wood | Bois 19 cm 96144 Gantz Da/From € 2,138 Matita Sprout con semi di girasole | Spout pencil with sunflower seeds | Crayon Sprout aux graines de tour- nesol Legno | Wood | Bois 19 cm 96144BOX Box Da/From € 0,567 Cartoncino per matite Sprout personalizzato Sprout 96144 (matita esclusa) | Customized Box for Sprout Spout pencil 96144 (Spout pencil not incl.) | Box pour crayons Sprout 96144 (crayon exclu). Cartone | Cardboard | Carton 20 x 5 cm 438 439 2024 GIFTS COLLECTION Writing and Gifts.